Psychonautics 101

Dette er et grundlæggende kursus i “psykonautik”, hvor vi bygger et solidt fundament for at navigere i udvidede bevidsthedstilstande ved at komme omkring mindfulness, kropsbevidsthed, ceremoni, breathwork, teori omkring psykedelika og mikrodosering, mv. Direkte brug af psykedelika indgår ikke i kurset, men intentionen er at klæde deltagerne godt på til egne videre udforskninger.

Udover undervisning og nyttige teknikker, er intentionen også at skabe en stærk og tryg forbindelse i gruppen imellem, så vores personlige rejse som individer og gruppe også er en del af forløbet. Det foregår i Relational Spaces i København over 8 sessioner (hver 2. uge) fra november til marts. Kursus beskrivelsen er skrevet på engelsk, men hvis alle deltagere taler dansk, vil det være det officielle sprog.

A fish in the sea may have no concept of ”water”, since it simply constitutes the world it inhabits. Yet, the quality of the water is fundamental to its well-being. Similarly, consciousness itself is foundational to all our human experences, and we can live our lives without giving a second thought to the arena in which they are manifested. Many challenges of the human condition, such as depression or lack of meaning, are essentially problems of consciousness. However, by developing awareness of and learning to navigate in one’s own consciousness it is possible to achieve a great sense of well-being, freedom, and a sense of meaning. “Psychonautics” imply these practices or psychotechnologies broadly.

Consciousness practices are at the core of many spiritual traditions. Meditation and contemplative practices cultivate insight into the nature of consciousness itself. Since the mind and body is a unified field, physically based practices like yoga or qi gong also have profound effects on consciousness. Other methods like breathwork, shamanic journeying or psychoactive plant medicines can induce non-ordinary and even mystical states of consciousness, with the potential for extraordinary healing, insight and spiritual growth.

The course will provide a foundation and overview to intentionally and safely explore and cultivate consciousness.

Participants will develop:
– Essential practices of mindfulness meditation and body awareness, useful for centering oneself in psychonautic explorations and life in general
– Direct experience in naturally achieved non-ordinary states of consciousness through breathwork, guided meditation and cacao ceremony
– Theoretical understanding of tools such as plant medicines, their history and cultural frameworks, and how to explore this path responsibly and ethically
– Knowledge of safety precautions and essential frameworks for anchoring and integrating non-ordinary experiences
– Direct personal experience with altered states consciousness through breathwork, guided meditation and cacao ceremony
– A network of like-minded peers to provide mutual support and reflection


The course also serves as a framework for participants to reflect on our life journeys with like-minded peers in a safe and confidential space. In addition to the group sessions, each participant is offered a private counseling session for personal, 1-to-1 guidance about your psychonautic journey. The course will take place over 4 months, in 8 bi-weekly sessions on Wednesday evenings (typically 18 to 21) in even-numbered weeks.

17.11 | 01.12 | 15.12 | 12.01 | 26.01 | 09.02 | 23.02 | 09.03

Price: 3200 DKK
– Discounts for members of Relational Spaces (10%)
– And for members of Psykedelisk Samfund (500 kr discount)
(members can log in to see how to redeem the discount here)

You can book your spot through Relational Spaces here:

Or feel free to contact me at

/ Martin Kufahl